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Button Activators

Button activators are a method of binding multiple actions to one button.

Some types of activator can block and interrupt each other.
If an activator is marked as blockable it will not fire until SuInput knows the input could not trigger any higher priority activators (e.g. a double tap activator will only fire after the triple tap duration ends).
If an activator is marked as interruptible it will be interrupted if a higher priority activator starts (e.g. a double tap activator would be interrupted by a third tap).

Button Activator Types

  • Hold: Default functionality
  • Press1: Activated for an instant on press
  • Release1: Activated for an instant on release
  • Quick Tap: Activated for an instant after quick press and release
  • Double Tap: Activated by two taps or tap then hold
  • Triple Tap: Activated by three taps or two taps then hold
  • Long hold: Activates after being held for a short duration

Button Activator Settings

#Is this activator blockable by other activators
Override behaviour: Block, Interrupt, None (default)

#Should we fire as an impulse
Impulse: On Press, On Release, False (default)
Quick Tap
#Is this activator blockable by double tap / tripple tap activators
Override behaviour: Block (default), None

#Can this activator override hold activators
Blocking: True, False (default)

#How quickly must the button be released
Max Hold Duration: 150 ms (default)
Double Tap
#Is this activator blockable by tripple tap activators
Override behaviour: Block, Interrupt, None (default)

#Can this activator override hold activators
Blocking: True (default), False

#How quickly must the button be double pressed
Double Tap Duration: 300 ms (default)

#Should we fire as an impulse
Impulse: On Press, On Release, False (default)
Triple Tap
#Can this activator override hold activators
Blocking: True (default), False

#How quickly must the button be tripple pressed
Tripple Tap Duration: 450 ms (default)

#Should we fire as an impulse
Impulse: On Press, On Release, False (default)
Long Hold
#How long must the button be held
Min Hold Duration: 150 ms (default)

#Should we fire as an impulse
Impulse: On Press, On Release, False (default)

TODO Activators for other types?
TODO Are Combos boolean activators?

  1. Press / Release activators are equivalent to Hold activators with the matching Impulse setting